Dan Schwabe

Dan Schwabe

Driven Golf Lead Coach and Contributor

Dan knows more about the golf swing than anybody on the planet. Yet every day, Dan continues his passionate search for “scientific truth” in the golf swing. Dan

invented the term “quantum swing mechanics” because he fully understands the hundreds of extremely subtle movements a body must make throughout the swing.

“What the perfect golf swing ‘looks like’ is far different than what it ‘feels like’ to the golfer,” says Dan. “It’s a matter of finding those subtle movements that apply to each

individual golfer then giving him or her the right ‘inner feel’ exercises.” Ryan admits he had more desire than technique when he first met Dan. 24 months after working

with Dan Ryan entered the Guinness Book of Records, his technique having caught up to his desire! Dan is a dynamic communicator. Fun. Fast on his feet.

Forever teaching. Dan’s been acknowledged with countless awards including “PGA Teacher of the Year.” He’s our one and only Swami of Swing.

  • 2009 PGA Teacher of the Year
  • 2011 PGA Junior Leader of the Year