Welcome To DrivenGolf: Everything Golf!

DrivenGolf: Everything Golf!

Golf. Seems like a simple enough game to play and understand, but only those of us who have attempted to play know how crazy swinging a stick with a metal head at a ball can make you. It is a game that even for the best to ever play it never truly master and that is what makes it so popular and addicting. The game of golf has so much to offer. Whether it’s traveling the world and enjoying all the beautiful golf resorts and famous courses you’ve seen on TV, or just trying to figure out what course to play in your backyard with old friends or new ones made in the pro shop. In this section, we will help you understand everything golf can provide and help you understand why golf has gone from a sheep herder’s game in Scotland to a multi-billion dollar worldwide phenomenon.

Learning the foundation of the game is important, and it will help us all get better.  From driving ranges, to golf balls, hitting specific shots, to putting, this section has you covered. Here you will learn what it takes to understand the game and how to play it.  Once you have a solid foundation of the game, it’s your turn to take it to the driving range or the golf course and put your newly acquired knowledge to the test!