Welcome to DrivenGolf: Fitness

Welcome to DrivenGolf Fitness

It is no longer a secret, that golf is an athletic sport, and with any athletic sport, you can optimize your performance, and body through individualized health and fitness. Our priority is to make YOU, the golfer a better overall athlete. No matter what your age, fitness level, or handicap, developing your athletic ability will allow you, and your instructor to create a powerful, more efficient swing.  Our athletic performance is classified in order by importance.

Mobility / Stability (corrective)
Power / speed

Although each of these may have sub categories, these will be the foundations of your golf fitness. Each building on the other. Throughout this site, you will see a vast array of exercises, but it is imperative to only do exercises you understand and are comfortable doing with proper form.

Rule #1: if it hurts…. STOP
Rule #2 ONLY do exercises we can perform with proper form
Rule #3 FORM FIRST. Do not increase the weight, or the speed of an exercise if you must sacrifice form.

As an athlete, your top priority is injury prevention. To minimize your risk of injury, we encourage you to start with our “Fitness Evaluation Test”. This will allow you to start with the foundational basics everyone needs. These tests able based on flexibility, mobility, and stability.
If any exercise or movement creates pain or discomfort, you may not be ready for that exercise. Regress to a less difficult exercise until you can advance or seek out a fitness professional to help assist in form and technique