P-7 Impact

P-7 Impact

At impact the hips have shifted towards the target and opened to face the target. As the hips open, the front of the hip girdle elevates and the glutes fire. This is an example of ground reaction force. The shoulders are slightly open as well. The player pushes up and back from the ground to use vertical force through the feet, knees and hips to fully rotate the body during the swing. Due to the lower body dynamically shifting towards the target the club shaft is leaning slightly towards the target in a more forward position then at address. The lead shoulder is more up, in and behind the neck line which allows the trail shoulder to move down, out and away under the chin. This action demonstrates how the proper body rotation is created. This rotation is necessary to clear the body and deliver the club as efficiently, consistently and fast as possible. People think they need to swing slower to hit it straighter, but we believe it’s actually possible to gain control through swinging faster.

A good thought is to learn to rotate more behind your front side. The pressure against the front leg enables the player to properly internally rotate the lead hip and clear the lead scapula up, in and behind the neck line. This opening of the body through impact is actually the deceleration needed to fully release and transfer all the energy to the club.