Test #1 – Toe Touch

Prerequisite information:

The toe touch test should be performed in bare feet, in cloths that will not restrict movement.


To perform the toe touch test, start with toes and heels touching. Stack your hands on top of each other with middle fingers directly in line.

Without allowing the knees to bend, hinge at the hips and attempt to touch your fingertips to your toes or to the ground.


  • The tips of your fingers touching your toes or ground without allowing the knees to bend

Needs improvement

  • Inability to touch the toes.
  • Bending in the knees.
  • Pain.
  • If there’s an on-set or increase in pain with the self-tests we suggest that you see a more advanced professional for a more thoroughly assess.

Possible swing faults:

  • Early extension
  • Loss of posture

For other needs improvement, do these corrective exercises: