The Three Must Have Essentials

The 3 must have essentials

By now, some of you have realized that eating only meat can be real boring!  So here are 3 essential products you need right away to make the diet easier, and much more enjoyable.

No 1:  Lipase.  I recommend to anyone a Lipase supplement during their first couple weeks on the Carnivore Diet.  What Lipase does is help your body break down fats and digest them better.  While our bodies switch over to full carnivore, some people get backed up.  Some do not, but some do.

No 2: Ghee, which is purified butter, is a phenomenal addition to the diet.  Whether its slathering it on your steak, or just adding some extra flavor to you breakfast, Ghee is a healthy addition and Carnivore approved!

No. 3:  Himalayan Pink salt is a must.  Do not feel bad to liberally shred some salt on your foods.  This will help immensely with electrolytes and your body will feel that much better