P-4 Top of the backswing

P-4 Top of the backswing

The top of backswing is actually a dynamic position and not a static position. We don’t actually stop and then swing down. We classify the top of the backswing as when the club head changes direction from backswing to forward swing in transition. The shoulders should rotate between 90 and 110 degrees. The lead shoulder is approximately 8-9 inches lower than at address (almost around to where the sternum was at address). The trail shoulder has equally stretched up, in and behind the neck line. This allows enough room and space to fully rotate the torso to make a complete backswing with the necessary width of the arms. Most ordinary players do not complete their backswings properly. They under rotate their shoulders, lift their arms and breakdown or collapse the width of their arms. In a good backswing and transition, the lower body has already changed directions before the club changes directions. This creates the beginning of the proper loading / unloading aspects to the golf swing. Even though we emphasize the lower body transitioning first, we do not want excessive arms running on in the backswing. From P3 to P4 the shoulders and hips finish the backswing.