Build a Strong Foundation

Build a strong foundation

Building a strong foundation is the key to playing your best golf.  Far too often it is skipped and our golf game suffers as we will never reach our full potential. Through this simple workout that incorporates your entire body, you can build your body to better support your golf game as well as prevent the injuries that can sneak up on you from playing the game we love!

  • Training Goal: Build a Powerful and Efficient Golf Swing
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Days per week: 1-2 days per week (your choice)
  • Training Time: 60 minutes

Always start with a Dynamic Warmup prior to any and all workouts

Core stability / Power
Planks 10 10 Seconds
Side planks 5 10 Seconds
Bridge w/ leg extension 1 20
(Ball between legs)
Kettlebell Swings 2 10
Broad Jumps 2 10
Lateral Bounds 2 10

*Start with a dynamic warm up.  Never start an exercise program without making sure your body is loose and the blood is flowing. (Click here to see Dynamic Warmup)


Resistance Strength Training

1A. Dead Lifts





1B. Single Arm Dumbbell Press 3 12
1C. Single Arm Bent Over Row 3 12

2A. Front Lunge

3 12
2B. Shoulder Press 3 12
2C. Lat Pulldown 3 12

3A. Single Leg Deadlift

3 12
3B. Incline Press 3 12
3C. TRX Rows 3 12

*These are superset exercises.. They consist of 3 stations per group.  Complete exercises 1A,1B and 1C before moving onto groups 2 and 3…

*If you or your gym doesn’t have a TRX, supplement it with a machine

 Finish todays workout with the following stretches:

Piriformis Stretch

Hip Flexor 

Gastric Stretch

Hamstring Stretch

Chest Stretch on Roller